Review – Papa Knows Best

Romance Junkies

PAPA KNOWS BEST is a book with surprising depth and enough heartfelt emotion to make it a winner. Jaxx Steele has worked his magic and his writing style is clearly imprinted on this wonderful read. He has created a magical tale of two men who needs and, albeit dragging their feet to get the ultimate outcome- they got there and it was a pleasure sharing in their journey.

Reviewed by:Jhayboy
4 1/2 blue ribbons!

Literay Nymphs Reviews

Papa Knows Best is the first book by Jaxx Steele that I’ve had the opportunity to read, and it won’t be my last. Mr. Steele has constructed a heart-warming, sexy read of two men finding love with someone they never expected. Many readers are turned off by May/December romances in fiction, but I for one appreciate the appeal of the realism, which is why I was so thrilled when I first read the blurb for this story. For an 18K length book, this tightly constructed short is surprisingly detailed and filled with vivid details, interesting background and two likable guys both with painful pasts. When the story started, I assumed Brad would be the dominant force in the relationship, so imagine my surprise when it turned out just the opposite. Mr. Steele did a nice job in expressing Brad’s uncertainly and unease, and an equally nice job in describing Papa and his willingness to give his new lover what he needed. I admit it. I liked these two guys, and would love to know more about them and their life together in the future.

Reviewed by:Mystical Nymphs
4 1/2 nymphs!


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